
London Enterprise Adviser Network Launch at BNP Paribas

Reed in Partnership provided a really interesting morning recently at the BNP Paribas’s London NW1 offices when they launched the London Enterprise Adviser Network.  The Mayor of London initiated this Network some time back working with ‘The Careers & Enterprise Company’ and Team London, and delivered by Reed in Partnership in Central, West and South London, to prepare and inspire young people for the fast-changing world of work. 

Being an Enterprise Adviser and part of this national network supporting the School Career Leaders, is so rewarding, helping young people build the skills and experiences they need to lead successful futures, ensuring that young people are aware of all the career pathways and opportunities available to them.  The role of Enterprise Advisers is to bring the worlds of education and business together to develop effective careers and enterprise plans to enable these encounters and improve careers provision for young people.

Over 50% of schools and colleges nationwide are now part of a local Enterprise Adviser Network.  Research from Education and Employers Taskforce show that encounters with businesses and work experience opportunities have a huge effect on the destination for young people once they have left education. 

I have just started working with a great academy in Islington, and we will be looking at how to overcome the barriers that most schools and colleges encounter, as evidenced below:

·       4+ employer encounters make young people 86% less likely to become ‘Not in Education, Employment or Training’ (NEET).  (Source:  Anthony Mann, Education and Employers Taskforce)

·       60% of businesses say that school leavers lack the skills to succeed in the workplace (Source: CBI)

·       66% of businesses want to recruit people with work experience, yet only 38% offer work experience (Source: CBI)

I am proud to be an Enterprise Adviser and to help raise the aspirations of London’s diverse future talent and know that I have played my part. 

Be part of the solution … If you are interested in knowing more about providing work experience opportunities to a young person for one week in September 2019 please contact me as below.   

Contact Lykke at ‘Lykke Coaching for Life, Business and Wellbeing’ on .

If you would like to know more about the London Enterprise Adviser Network see